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How to use LinkedIn to really build your profile

How to use LinkedIn to really build your profile

With over 875 million users worldwide, LinkedIn has become an indispensable platform for professionals. For lawyers, it's swiftly becoming an essential tool to network, grow a strong professional profile, and generate business. But how do you set yourself apart? In this article we catch up with College of Law National Career Strategists Susan Pincus and Ruth Beran to better understand the benefits of LinkedIn for lawyers.

What should be included in a notice of claim for a family provision claim?

What should be included in a notice of claim for a family provision claim?

In this practice update, we will explore recent judicial guidance from Jurak v Latham [2023] NSWSC 1318 regarding Notices of Claim and the role they play in family provision proceedings. Here to guide us through the case is Josephine Pignataro, Special Counsel and Accredited Specialist (Wills & Estates).

Supporting Neurodivergent Children: A Guide for Family Lawyers

Supporting Neurodivergent Children: A Guide for Family Lawyers

While divorce and separation are difficult for any child, for children with neurodivergent needs, these transitions can present their own set of challenges. The College sat down with Kathryn Schuck, Principal of Inclusive Family Law and Mediation, to delve into effective strategies family lawyers can employ to advocate for these children and navigate the complexities of custody agreements.

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